The SIWOB1L-63 series small circuit breaker with residual current protection is suitable for circuits with rated voltage up to 400V and rated current up to 63A. Its main function is to protect individuals from electric shock and provide overcurrent and short-circuit protection for buildings and similar line equipment. It can also provide protection against insulation damage to electrical equipment and fire hazards caused by ground fault currents.
National Standards
GB 10963 "Circuit Breakers for Overcurrent Protection in Household and Similar Places"
GB 14048.2 "Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment: Circuit Breakers"
GB 14048.3 "Low voltage switchgear and control equipment: Switches, isolators, isolating switches, and fuse combinations"
GB 16917.1 "Residual Current Operated Circuit Breakers with Overcurrent Protection for Household and Similar Purposes (RCBO)"
1. It has four protection functions: leakage, isolation, short circuit, and overload;
2. Provide personal protection for indirect contact:
3. Provide supplementary protection for direct human contact:
4. Provide protection for insulation faults of electrical equipment;